25-26 January 2024 -The NECESSITY project held its annual General Assembly with representatives from all of our 25 partners, including both from industry and academia. We were also honored to have the indispensable Patient Advisory Group (PAG) representatives among us.
The two-day meeting was hosted by our industry partner, GSK in Stevenage (London, UK).
The main objectives of the two days were to facilitate discussions within the NECESSITY Project Consortium on key advances and innovative approaches in the fields of immunology and rheumatology. More importantly, the meeting aimed to address any challenges that arose and to propose solutions for the smooth progression of the project.
Exciting new methodologies and results were presented for the stratification of patients based on tissue and blood biomarkers.
Additionally, we delved into an emerging approach in computational biology to evaluate the pathophysiology of Sjogren’s disease.
Furthermore, we witnessed the first examples of the scientific community using STAR.